You generally have 3 choices when you have bad credit. You either do nothing, fix your credit by yourself, or seek help from a credit repair company. Let us tackle each choice and see which choice makes more sense.
First, the simplest option – you do nothing. The great thing about doing nothing is that it is really easy. On the other hand, if you do nothing and fail to reestablish any positive credit, you will be tagged as a ghost in the credit scoring system for about seven years. Thus, doing nothing is never a great idea since having no record is as bad as having bad credit record. Read here more about US Allied Financial.
Repairing your own credit has become a popular choice recently. The reason behind is that it yields greater credit repair compared to plans provided by most credit repair companies. You exponentially increase your chances of repairing your credit by utilizing different credit repair strategies and by taking on a comprehensive approach on the matter. Here are some examples that a credit repair company cannot do for you: paying down your debt, opening of good new accounts, and arranging payments for deletes. Furthermore, credit repair companies generally cannot provide debt validation or 623 method services. The downside of repairing your own credit is that it is very time consuming. Therefore, repairing you own credit results to better credit repair given that you have the time and you are willing to take great effort in the process.
Although repairing you own credit results in greater credit repair, it is still not the best idea. The truth is that majority doesn’t have the time to spare to repair their own credit. Hiring a credit repair company would be the ideal choice for those who have a lot on their plates and wish to save their credit. After all, doing nothing is the worst choice one would make. At least by consulting to a credit repair company, one would take his or her first step towards alleviating their bad credit situation.
A credit repair company’s primary functions will be to dispute information about your credit file with each of the 3 credit bureaus. Generally, you will have to take action to some degree. You must proactively inform the credit repair company on what they should dispute. Most of the time, your responsibility would be to send out the dispute letters and the crediting repair company will do the rest. Therefore, you should consider to hire a credit repair company if you don’t have time to repair your own bad credit situation. Learn more on
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